To date, no case law stipulates that CLiC is subject to the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA). However, CLiC elects to subscribe to CORA, and in the spirit of that legislation (which expects transparency and accountability in service of the public good), CLiC endeavors to provide information in a timely fashion when such requests are made. The process involved with submission of a CORA request is outlined below.

Colorado Open Records Act Process

Before Starting the Process – Important Notes

In order to pay for the cost of staff, the custodian of public records within CLiC (Executive Director) may instruct staff members to charge for research and retrieval time necessary to respond to requests for records under the Colorado Open Records Act (“CORA”). Pursuant to C.R.S. §24-72-205(6), staff time may be charged at a rate not to exceed $30.00 per hour. There will be no charge for the first hour of time for research and retrieval of records.

When the Executive Director receives a CORA request, he/she may estimate the time it will take to research and retrieve the records requested. That estimate of time and the appropriate fee may be provided to the requestor before work is performed, to determine if the requestor seeks to move forward with his/her request, understanding the associated cost. The Executive Director may require the requestor to pay the fee before proceeding to research and retrieve the records. If the requestor pays the fee based on the estimate, and the time necessary to subsequently perform the research and retrieval of the records is less than the estimate, CLiC shall provide a refund to the requestor.

One can read the entire Colorado Open Records Act at:

The Process

To request public records, please contact the Executive Director in writing by mail or email: 7400 E Arapahoe Rd., Suite 75, Centennial, CO 80112 or If submitting by email, the requestor will receive an automated response, which serves as a receipt indicating that the request has been received.

All requests must contain the following:

  • The requestor’s contact information, so that CLiC can respond with a cost estimate (if relevant), seek clarification about the request, arrange payment, and otherwise engage in a professional manner directly with the requestor. If contact information is incomplete or incorrect, and as a result makes it impossible for CLiC staff to respond, that request will be deemed erroneous and groundless.
  • Description of the records being requested. Please describe as specifically as possible what is being sought in terms of public record. If the requestor is uncertain about which records contain the information being sought, provide a description of the type of information, including date ranges.
  • If photocopies or electronic copies are being sought, and preferred method for delivery of the records. If electronic copies reach a file size that exceeds the capacity for CLiC email system to send such records, or the requestor’s email system is unable to receive such files, alternative arrangements may be made for transmission of electronic records via USPS, including but not limited to mailing a CD-ROM or other form of storage media.

CLiC will produce only those documents as permitted by CORA. Documents that are prohibited from disclosure under CORA will not be released. If the Executive Director believes that any of the requested records are not allowed to be released under the Open Records Act, or determines that there are extenuating circumstances that could constitute a violation of Colorado Library Law (C.R.S. §24-90-101) or any other state statutes, CLiC may seek the legal opinion of its attorneys before fulfilling the request. As common practice, CLiC will endeavor to communicate in a timely and clear fashion about such instances.