Library Directory
Contact information for all AspenCat member libraries including courier code, regional consultant, and library staff.
AspenCat Listserv
General listerv for anyone working in an AspenCat library. Receive updates from the AspenCat team and share information with other AspenCat libraries. To sign up please fill out a form here.
Statistics galore … make your data work for you! Below you’ll find:
- Checkout statistics at your library for eBooks and eAudiobooks broken out by month.
- Monthly totals of items sent and received at your library as part of AspenCat resource sharing, broken out by either calendar year or courier fiscal year.
AspenCat eBook Statistics
eBooks in the collection as of 12/31/2023: 6,514
eAudioBooks in the collection as of 12/31/2023: 2,510
Total as of 12/31/23: 9,024