Explore AspenCat’s New Discovery Layer

On January 27th, we will be moving to a new discovery layer.

No need for a lifeboat, however, since the look and feel will be very similar!

The AspenCat team is currently working hard to get your new pages set up. One good thing of many: we will be migrating our URLs so your Pika page will be the same as your new discovery layer page…which means you don’t have to do anything! We will likely have a very small amount of downtime the Sunday before we go live, but it should be a fairly easy transition.

We’re very excited about this decision for many reasons, including:

  • Being hosted by the same company that hosts our ILS and having an API means we will have a stronger connection between Koha and the discovery layer
  • cloudLibrary will be fully integrated into our discovery layer
  • We will have more agency to make development decisions, as well as quick changes that libraries request
  • And…it looks and functions almost exactly the same – your patrons probably won’t even notice…take a look for yourself!