Courier ILL Data

Additional ILL Data Form

Statistics for July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022

To prepare your library's estimate, we need your data.
Your Name(Required)

ILL Data

Please fill in your library’s totals for Borrowing and Lending, adding together your numbers for ONLY the following categories/streams: OCLC, ProMo, BlueSky, COKAMO and Other.
The data should represent activities in courier usage from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

That’s it! Please check your data, then click the Submit button below. You will receive an automated email back for your records, confirming the data you send to us. Then we will take your data, add to our records, and generate your library’s Courier cost estimate. If we have follow-up questions, we will be in contact directly.

THANKS!! - CLiC’s Courier Team |
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