2023 CLiC & Connect – Scholarship Application

cloudLibrary Pledges are Here!

Every year, we ask AspenCat Member Libraries to pledge money for the upcoming year, so that we ensure your patrons have access to a wide variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks. This year, with many of your patrons continuing to stay home more and explore our Pay Per Use collection, that pledge is even more important. If you do not know much about cloudLibrary or do not see the benefit to your patrons, please see the following fast facts!

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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays - wintry scene with cartoon trees and falling snow

CLiC Offices will be closed December 26 & 27 and January 2 in observance of holiday dates.

2023 Registration Open

Talent Development from home – 2023 Virtual Winter Workshop

Virtual Winter Workshop is a time to come together; to learn, share and celebrate! Some topics are unique, and some are universal. Sharing experiences and learning is what Virtual Winter Workshop is all about.  Content crafted specifically for rural library staff, plus the convenience of online access — all for just $25!

Registration Open 

Workshop Dates – February 23 – 24, 2023.

  • Thursday, 2/23, 2-5 pm | Welcome and opening remarks with Jim Duncan, followed by energizing & inspiring sessions.
  • Friday, 2/24, 8:45 – 3pm | 6 concurrent sessions across five time slots and NEW this year, shorter, microlearning sessions.

2023 Virtual Winter Workshop Schedule is available here.

2023 Virtual Winter Workshop Session Descriptions are available here.

CLiC Virtual Winter Workshop is a chance to connect with your peers from across Colorado – folks in rural and small libraries, from the mountains to the prairies.  The hallmark of CLiC Virtual Winter Workshop is practical content geared for rural communities.  And of course, mixing work and play for FUN.

Connecting. Energizing. Inspiring.

We’re excited to connect!

Questions? Just ask at clichelp@clicweb.org

Image of a person sitting at home with a laptop..

2023 Registration Open

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2023 Virtual Winter Workshop – Registration Open

Talent Development from home – 2023 Virtual Winter Workshop

Virtual Winter Workshop is a time to come together; to learn, share and celebrate! [Read more…]

2023 Registration Open

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2023 Virtual Winter Workshop – Registration Open

Talent Development from home – 2023 Virtual Winter Workshop

Virtual Winter Workshop is a time to come together; to learn, share and celebrate! [Read more…]

After AspenCat Con ’22

Thanks to everyone involved for a great conference! We learned a lot from our Award Winners and a lot from each other! Below you will find a summary of our conference sessions and Zoom links for each recorded session. If you were able to attend, please let us know how we did here. We want to know how we can improve! [Read more…]

Lightbox Learning