2024 CLiC Virtual E-Resources Conference —Call for Presenters – Vendors Form

CLiC's E-Resources Conference - Call for Presenters - Vendors

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the CLiC Virtual E-Resources Conference scheduled for October 8, 2024.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 9:00 – 12:45 MST
Kickoff - Closed

Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 2-3 MST
Topic: Marketing

Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 2-3 MST
Topic: Accessibility

Tuesday, July 8, 2025, 2-3 MST
Topic: Collection Management and Statistics

Tuesday, October 28, 2025, 2-3 MST
Topic: Marketing

The deadline to submit a proposal is one month prior to series session
Session Length: 20 Minutes.

Before you submit your proposal, check the spelling! It is important that all submissions are carefully reviewed before they are submitted. If your presentation is selected for the CLiC Virtual E-Resources Conference, information will be posted online as you entered it in your submission.
Please review the types of presentations we are looking for before submitting. You can find a list Here
Questions? Please contact us at clichelp@clicweb.org.
Thank you for your submission!

NOTE: This form is for vendors submitting presentations. If you are a library, please see the Library Call for Presenter form Here.

"*" indicates required fields

What series session date are you submitting for?
This is the primary contact for any communication from CLiC if there is more than one presenter.
Please include area code
For presentations with ONE co-presenter, please list their name, organization and email address below. For presentations with MORE THAN ONE co-presenter, please list "Panel" in the field below.
Co-Presenter's Email
Maximum 60 Characters
Please include a real world example of how this database...
What is your presentation focus?
Target Audience
Select all that apply.
Session review*
If chosen to present, I understand that CLiC staff will schedule a time a minimum of two weeks before the conference to review my presentation with me and provide feedback so that it is attuned to the goals of the conference. If this feedback session is not completed, the presentation will be pulled from the schedule.
As a presenter, I agree to NOT use copyrighted material in my presentation. If I do, I understand that I am the responsible party and will cite my sources.*
I understand that all sessions presented at CLiC Database Conference are recorded and made available for attendees to view later.*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Integrating Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs into Employee Training

In 1943, Abraham Maslow introduced his “Theory of Human Motivation,” followed by “Motivation and Personality” in 1954. His hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid, has become influential in both education and business, particularly in the realm of training. Understanding these needs is essential for creating effective learning environments. [Read more…]

See You At CORSC!

Flyer image: 2024 Colorado Resource Sharing Conference save the dates

The Colorado Resource Sharing Conference is upon us! We’re excited to see you all virtually, April 17-18.

[Read more…]

CLiC & Connect 2024 – In-Person Rural Meetups

CLiC’s in person rural meetups provide time to connect with colleagues from rural and small libraries, exchange practical ideas that are specific to YOU, and have fun!

[Read more…]

CLiC & Connect 2024

CLiC & Connect 2024 – In-Person Rural Meetups

CLiC’s in person rural meetups provide time to connect with colleagues from rural and small libraries, exchange practical ideas that are specific to YOU, and have fun!

NEW for 2024 – in collaboration with Colorado State Library CLiC is offering CDE continuing education credit for school library staff who attend the regional meetups.

Registration cost is $25 and includes lunch.

2024 CLiC & Connects will be held:

  • Southwest: Friday, April 12, 2024 in Durango
  • Southeast: Friday, April 26, 2024 in Pueblo
  • Northwest: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 in Steamboat
  • Northeast: Friday, May 17, 2024 in Fort Morgan

The registration deadline for each event is one week prior. Learn more and register here.

Questions? Just ask at clichelp@clicweb.org


Closure Submission Form

What holidays will your library will be closed and not able to receive courier delivery/pickup? Please respond by Monday 11/20/23. Questions? Let us know at courierhelp@clicweb.org.

[Read more…]

AspenCast Conference ’23 Recordings

Last week, we held another successful virtual conference for AspenCat libraries.  However, if you were not able to attend, we’ve got recording from the formal presentations.  Please see below for recordings.  Thank you for helping to make this experience educational and enjoyable! [Read more…]

AspenCat Con ’23

Please join us for the 2023 AspenCat Conference! We will be meeting on Zoom again this year. As always, this CLiC event is free! We will have Koha and Discovery Layer updates, breakout discussions, talks from AspenCat member libraries, and an update in intellectual freedom from CAL IFC! Please register here See the agenda below.

[Read more…]

FY23-24 Courier Estimates

Man unloading bins from truck

The Courier Team soon will be initiating the annual process of sending out courier cost estimates for the coming service year (October 2023 – September 2024). Those should be showing up in your email inboxes starting after September 20. If you have an urgent need for your library’s estimate, please email courierhelp@clicweb.org and we’ll work to expedite that document.

Pause for a moment and think about the impact of statewide resource sharing. Here’s a quote from a Western Slope library patron about why statewide resource sharing is so important, “I am an avid reader, usually having at least 2 books on my reading table, as well as one audio book in my car for commuting and another audio book in my house for distraction during housework and exercising. I always have several materials on my Hold list (today I have 8). I am so grateful for the courier service that brings me materials from our District, as well as outside it. In fact, my life would be so much drearier without it!

That right there is why we do all the work that makes statewide resource sharing happen!

2024 Virtual Winter Workshop

Talent Development from home – 2024 Virtual Winter Workshop

Virtual Winter Workshop is a time to come together; to learn, share and celebrate! [Read more…]