Public Library Policy Collection

Created specifically for small and rural libraries.

It began with an observation: every week, we see email messages on listservs asking, “Hey, does anyone have a policy on [topic] they’d be willing to share?” followed by lots of “YES! I’m interested, too!”

An idea took root. CLiC’s Sara Wright and ARSL President Kieran Hixon (2018) started fertilizing their plan. What if there could be a central place where policies could be stored, searched and retrieved (but without a lot of complication)? How would it be nurtured and grown? Who would tend to this evolving tree of knowledge?

And the Tech Gnomes at CLiC went to work with their Digital saws and Hexcoded glues and Bit-sized hammers…

A Public Library Policy Collection web site was grown — a mix of organic matter and online carpentry. The collection is the tree; the interface is the tree house.

We hope you enjoy playing in it.


Created by CLiC staff with ARSL enthusiasm. Hosted and managed by CLiC!

What are “Extras?”

The Future. What’s on the horizon for Colorado libraries?

Pushing the envelope on behalf of libraries, staff members constantly scan the horizon for opportunities to enhance library services and collections. Our current special projects are captured under the Innovations & Initiatives section of our web site, while our past experiments are captured under the Things We’ve Tried section. [Read more…]